Adaptive Sync vs V-Sync

September 01, 2021

Adaptive Sync vs V-Sync

If you're a gamer, you're probably familiar with the term "V-Sync." It's a technology that prevents screen tearing when gaming. However, in recent years, there's been a new kid on the block: Adaptive Sync. In this article, we'll compare Adaptive Sync vs V-Sync, and help you choose the right technology for your gaming setup.

What is V-Sync?

V-Sync (Vertical Sync) is an old technology that was introduced in the early days of gaming. It synchronizes the frame rate of your graphics card with the refresh rate of your monitor. By doing so, it prevents screen tearing. Screen tearing happens when your graphics card sends more frames than your monitor can handle, resulting in visible horizontal lines on your screen.

While V-Sync effectively eliminates screen tearing, it comes at a cost. Since V-Sync caps the frame rate to the monitor's refresh rate, it can lead to input lag and stuttering.

What is Adaptive Sync?

Adaptive Sync, also known as G-Sync (NVIDIA) or FreeSync (AMD), is a newer technology that addresses the drawbacks of V-Sync. Instead of capping the frame rate, Adaptive Sync adjusts the refresh rate of the monitor to match the frame rate of the graphics card. By doing so, it eliminates screen tearing without introducing input lag or stuttering.

Adaptive Sync also has another advantage over V-Sync: it's compatible with a wider range of refresh rates. While V-Sync only works with a specific range of monitor refresh rates, Adaptive Sync works with a wide range of refresh rates, making it a more versatile technology.

Adaptive Sync vs V-Sync: Which one should you choose?

The answer depends on your gaming setup. If you own a NVIDIA graphics card, you should go for G-Sync monitors. If you own an AMD graphics card, you should opt for FreeSync monitors. Both technologies are equivalent in terms of performance, so you won't notice a difference between them.

If you're on a budget, FreeSync monitors are generally cheaper than G-Sync monitors. However, keep in mind that FreeSync monitors also come with a wider range of quality variations, so you should do your research before making a purchase.


In conclusion, both Adaptive Sync and V-Sync are effective technologies for preventing screen tearing in gaming. However, Adaptive Sync is a newer technology that addresses the drawbacks of V-Sync, making it a more versatile and compatible technology.

Regardless of which technology you choose, make sure to research and compare products before making a purchase.


  1. NVIDIA G-Sync Compatible Monitors:
  2. AMD FreeSync Monitors:

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